Tuesday 7 June 2011

MCM EXPO trip!

Im sooo sorry that im late again :( 

But I have picture that I hope will make up for it taken by the lovely Ani!!

On the 28th me and all the girls wandered up to London to the MCM EXPO!

We had so much fun, meeting new people and bought lots of stuff :D 
Just Outside the building

So we finally got there and struggled to get changed in the car all at the same time, (not to mention that there were six of us not including my parents)!

Thank god i have a large car/van thingy.

After that was done we rushed to the bathrooms to add the final touches! 

Part of the queue
 Thank goodness we had already bought our ticets or we would've been in this queue ^^
but we had, so we went up the stairs to another queue so we could get into the main area!

The stairs!!!! OMG STAIRS!!!
That would be us in ze fast pass queue!
We bought ourselves some handy-dandy Fast Pass Tickets so we could get in a bit earlier that the normal ones! 

We joined the line and received some pretty red bracelety thingys! (sorry :( I don't have a piccy)

Whahaha!! We were in and it wasn't bulging with people for once!

Inside da EXPO!!!

We saw and met some amazing cosplayers with some amazing costumes!

 After a while it got crowded when everyone was in, and the heat was horrible! 
'Twas very crowded!
So we decided to got outside in to the cold air... it was VERY cold! 

Oh! I haven't posted what we went in!! :

Chelsea!!! In Punk Lolita! <3

(one of our lovely collection of Sophies!)  Chick in Lolita!

Ani in Classic Lolita!! ^_^

Me! (Sophie P) in Guro lolita!

Nunners As Sea land from hetalia <3

Lozzie as Hermione from Harry Potter! (bwahaha auto-correct turned Hermione to Herman!)

We had such fun! And met some awesome people! 
                                                 Like hard-Gay
                                  He even did his dance! Hoooooooooo! 

And this Green man who also did a little dance, which had us wetting ourselves from laughing! he has some amazing moves!

Now some little piccys! (click on them to view them large) 

We then decided to go back in and do some shopping!

Our friend Mr Pocky-Ninja! From Tokyo-Toys!

CYBER CANDY!! If you havent ordered with them, I suggest you do! NOW!!!

I managed to grab myself some mangas and some posters, a little chibi-Winry from FMA!
And we all got some rainbow flags from the crazy american Yaoi man! ( he was shouting un-appropriate things at nunners about Hetalia XD and of course she bought some hetalia yaoi!)

Then Back in the car!!! We were on our way home :P

I can officially say this is the longest post so far! YAY! Although I hope I didn't bore you :S

See you next week!! 
Sophie P xxxxx

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