Tuesday 26 April 2011

Im back! It's funny how it seems the weeks are going faster.
I'll start by saying I hope you had an amazing Easter filled with fuzzy bunnies and lots of chocolate! And I did too, I mostly got chocolate and im not complaining! 
Well Easters not really over in my opinion so bring out the Easter motifs! 

That means bunny hats! : 

And pastel coloured co-ords! :

But if it's Easter that means summer is in full swing! (If only this clothing wasn't so hot!) 
So since im sweltering in this JSK under the sun, I think it's time to remove my parasol from the wardrobe and enjoy the weather! 

Thats all for today, sorry for there not being as much as I usually write,  but I'll try and make up for the next week! 

Sophie P xx

Monday 25 April 2011

DIY Lolita: A (almost) No Sew Lolita Headband

It's Chelsea again :c) I'm SUPERRRR sorry I haven't blogged for 3 weeks (I think), but I've been busy/ill/too lazy. Anyway, I'm starting a new series of Do It Yourself Lolita projects. Every Monday (until the series ends) I will blog a tutorial on how to make a Lolita-esque item: either clothing, accessories, furniture... etc.

So, the first project is this gorgeous headband:


***Not my photo, I may upload my photo at a later date***

You Will Need:

- Hot Glue Gun
- Needle and Thread
- 1 Meter Fabric, in the colour of your choice!
- 1 Meter Wide Ribbon, in the same colour as the fabric (for the bows)
- 1 Meter Ribbon in a colour that co-ordinates with the fabric and bow ribbon (for crosses)
- 1 Meter Lace Trim, in the colour of the 'crossing' ribbon ^^
- Very Thin Cardboard
- Fabric Glue
- 60 cm extra ribbon, for tying to the head

O1. Get a piece of thin cardboard - about the thickness of a cereal box - and work out the dimensions you'd like. I used a cereal box, and chose to make it 27cm long and 5cm wide. Cut it out and measure it around your head in front of a mirror, so you can see if the shape suits your head :) If not, adjust as necessary. Don't allow it to crease, because I'm pretty sure it'd show. I then rounded off the corners with a coin.

O2. Get your fabric and cut out a rectangle about 2cm wider than your cardboard piece in each direction. Start gluing the fabric on the underside of the cardboard with fabric glue. I used a paintbrush to spread it evenly, pleating the fabric around the corners. Make sure you stretch it so the fabric is tight and doesn't have "bubbles", so to speak.

O3. Now the underside of the cardboard should still be exposed in the middle, with a fabric border which is probably fraying by now. How best to fix a problem? Cover it up and ignore it, of course! I cut a piece of fabric big enough to cover the rest of the cardboard and used PVA glue on the edges because I'm lazy. I then glued it down with more fabric glue. 

O4. Time for the crosses! I cut pieces of ribbon slightly longer than I needed and played around, working out how big I wanted to make the crosses. Since it's 27cm long, I eventually decided to start 1cm from each end and make 5 crosses, each 5cm wide. I marked my 5cm intervals with a pencil and also the middle points the crosses needed to go through, just so I'd be sure it was even. Then I trimmed the ribbon pieces as required, dabbed some PVA glue on the ends and glued them down with fabric glue, again using a paintbrush so the layer of glue would be even and not thick enough to seep through.

O5. Now grab your hot glue gun and set it up :) I think this is fairly straightforward, just apply glue and press down in as straight a line as you possibly can, working bit by bit. Pleat around the rounded corners or it'll look funny. I also pleated along the shorter ends, simply because I thought it looked pretty. Of course, I forgot that the bows covered up those ends completely...so don't waste your time xP Might I add, thank god my hot glue gun does not get hot enough to burn me or I would probably not be able to type for months :)

O6. Time to make bows! I love bows. They make virtually anything look good. (Except perhaps boys.But even boys- I'm thinking of An Cafe, Paradeis... etc- can look kawaii in bows ^^) This should be fairly straightforward and there are plenty of bow how-tos on the internet, but I may as well tell you how I did mine. I sealed the loop for the top part of the bows using fabric glue, then gathered and sewed. The tail parts are simply a piece of ribbon gathered in the centre. Don't forget to burn any raw edges :) Though I didn't burn the tail ends until I'd put the bows together. Also, I made the part that goes around the middle by cutting a piece of ribbon in half, using PVA glue on the raw edge and then gluing it in half again with fabric glue. Or you could prepare ahead at the craft store and buy a thinner ribbon in the same colour.

O7. And now, we glue! Use your hot glue gun to glue the bows down on the ends. I decided it looked best with the middle of the bow right against the lace edge, so the tails overhang. You might decide you want to glue it a bit higher or something, so check against your head before gluing :)

O8. Last step! Find some ribbon in an appropriate colour, such as what you used to make the crosses, and hot glue it to the underside of the headband. I used wine coloured ribbon instead of white because it camouflages into my purple hair :) You might want to do the same, camouflaging the ribbon by matching it as close to your hair colour as possible. I used two pieces which were about 30cm long each so I could comfortably have enough to tie a bow under my hair. I actually glued it slightly off centre so it'd sit properly on my head, though that's probably not necessary.

I hope you enjoyed this little DIY :) I did get the idea for this headband from someone on another website, and I also got a little help with the instructions from the same person, as I am terrible at explaining things. But, the instructions have been put into my own words, and I did write most of them myself.

See you all next week!!

Chelsea xxo

Sunday 24 April 2011

Laura is back

Hey guys so so sorry about missing last weeks blog I was so swamped over with school work I completely forgot about the blog :(, but I am back now so... HAPPY EASTER everyone :).

The next two styles of lolita are ...
  • Casual 
  • Aristocrat 

Casual Lolita is a more toned down version of the style still retaining the basic lolita elements. It is very hard to put together a nice casual lolita co-ordination unless you have years of experience or are a natural at it.
Most favoured in the Casual Lolita co-ordination is (in a way) simplicity, so a nice simple cut-sew perhaps with a motif of some sort paired with a lolita skirt and hair accessory/headdress. (However the hair accessories are usualy toned-down as well.)

Casual Lolita can best be described as what a Lolita would wear when not 'dressing up.' Still modest, and elegant but not as over the top as most other Lolita styles.
A great Casual Lolita can be compiled out of any color, as long a you remember to match colours, prints, etc. etc. as you would with any other Lolita style.

This style is a lot more mature than lolita in general. It has a lot in common with the western 'Romantic Gothic'. In general, there are no cutesy motifs (prints, lace, over-abundance of frills, bows, etc). Skirts are often worn long, although sometimes they can be shorter, especially in the hotter months. High corseted waists on skirts is common, so are actual corsets (all types). Fitted jackets with tail coats are popular, so are frilly shirts (and cravats), top hats, veils, etc.

An Aristocrat's hair is usually done in a mature style. Buns and other lifted styles are common, however it is okay to wear your hair down, short and/or curly (try to avoid lolita-like barrel curls though). Extreme hairstyles are usually done in conjunction with extreme make-up, usually for things like fashion shows. Often times it's much too troublesome to go to such lengths for daily wear.

Make-up is also usually mature and sometimes on the darker side. Extreme makeup is usually not done (except for special circumstances such as fashion shows and club events). Somewhat darkened eyes and dark red lipstick is common. Lighter colors can be used, but generally only on the lips.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your Easter Sunday I am off to go and eat an Easter egg because they are just so yummy.
Until next time 
xoxo Laura 

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Lolita room!

You may wonder what a lolita's room looks like, as I've wondered myself, and I found out that lolita rooms can range in many different ways! 

When I think of a Lolita styled room I think of frills, lace, and pastel colours. You may have a completely different view, what im trying to say is, the room will suit what ever the person living in it wants it to look like! 

Furnishing a room that's not that big can be a bit of a challenge! My room is pretty tiny, so I tried to make up for it's size by painting it different colours and it turned out like this : 

This is when I hadn't finished decorating it so some of my collection (I collect creepy dolls) hadn't been put out.
I really would love to have a big room with lots of lovely furniture, but sadly right now I'll have to dream. But if you have a big bedroom (note that I envy you) there's many more things you can do!

If you have the money you'll be able to lavish yourself with beautiful beds, furniture and decorations (yet again I envy you)!

Or maybe if you have an apartment or flat, you could bring out the paint pots and do a bit of second-hand shopping?
With furniture like wardrobes basing the size on how many clothes you have you could chooses anything from a classy oak for a classic lolita style room maybe, a big black elegant wardrobe, or a big pink  one, for a sweet lolita room? 
Either way it shall be filled with glorious lolita delights! (you might even opt for drawers?)
  The decorations are completely up to the beholder! But I have fallen in love with this small rocking horse!
 Bed's are also a must have! (unless you like to sleep on the floor?) Classical wooden frame beds are lovely and elegant, but you can also get pretty coloured metal beds? Its completely up to you, you might even be happy with the room you have, but if you are looking to change you habitat a bit then remember, make sure your completely comfortable in your room and make it reflect the things you like!

Shall be back next Tuesday! - Sophie P (^_^)

Tuesday 12 April 2011

MCM Expo

Hello! It's Sophie again!!
Laura in her ripped up school uniform looking pretty cool!
Well, as you might not (or might not) In England there's an event that me and the girls go to every year, called the
MCM Expo it's an event held in London at Excel, for Anime, Movie and Gaming lovers!
Me and the girls all met through our love of Japanese culture, anime and fashion (and most of us went to the same school!).
                          At My house getting ready! the first time we went, Sophie N was L, from death Note!

Anthea! You may not know but Ani has a LOT of hair!  It look me and Laura 2 hours to curl it with 2 curling irons, but it looks really pretty!

Me... yep, bit of ballet goes well with horror movies!
All of us in our Finished cosplay!
So we get ready to trek around 5-6 hours to London wearing cosplay or lolita, and spend a day, meeting people, eating and buying memorabilia! Not to mention, there are quite a few actor, bands and writers signing autographs and taking pictures, and last year we saw the original tardis from Doctor Who, and the De Lorean from 'Back to the Future' ! This year is Chelsea's first Expo! and we can wait to take her!!
Oh so happy!

Sophie N, Sophie P, laura and Anthea the second time we went!

You meet so many nice people with so much talent there, overall it may be my favourite day of the year! This year it's on May the 28th, and it's usually on in October as well! If your down there and see us, come and say hello!

Sophie P x

Sunday 10 April 2011

Hey guys hope everyone is well , I would just like to say that before I write about two more types of Lolita , that A-Levels suck! Spent the week indoors revising and I am so bored it is unbelievable.
Any way moving on to this weeks Lolita styles

  • Sailor Lolita
  • Punk Lolita

Sailor Lolita
Sailor Lolita is a very nautical themed style of Lolita which is very much inspired by Japanese Sailor styled uniforms which consists of sailor collars, dark blues, and whites which are often key factors in recognising this style. Nautical motifs are often used in this style; symbols such as ship anchors and wheels make very cute additions to this style.

Like most Lolita styles the same bell-shaped skirt is expected, quite often this skirt may be pleated, and the outfit may often include a puffed-short-sleeved blouse with pockets.

Although striped socks may not work with a lot of Lolita styles, they often look nice when coordinated into a Sailor Lolita outfit.

Again minimal make-up with suit this style, including some lip-gloss to stop your lips from cracking if you'll be out near the sea!

Punk Lolita
Punk Lolita is perhaps one of the most challenging styles of Lolita to pull-off, because it takes someone with a lot of knowledge of Lolita fashion to be able to fuse the image of a Lolita with that of the Eastern punk style.

Punk Lolita comes generally in two forms.

First is an outfit that conforms to the general shape of Lolita, a bell shape knee length skirt (or a bit shorter for this style) but without as many clean lines as the other styles. Accessories and fabric choice are very important to this style: deconstructed fabrics and fishnets are a good choice, as are chains and studs. Also layering is key to this style! A Punk Lolita outfit is not simple; wearing a studded belt over your skirt doesn't make your outfit punk just as wearing a plaid fabric doesn't make your outfit punk.

The second form of Punk Lolita is an outfit that has a lighter feeling than a normal punk outfit and takes considerable inspiration from the Lolita style but doesn't quite conform to the general shape. It is a much girlier punk outfit with frills or bows. Though skirts may not be knee length and bell shaped they are still not skin tight and crotch length.

Makeup of course can be a bit heavier for Punk style than with the Sweet or Classic styles.


Once again praying for all those in Japan who have suffered another earthquake.
Until next time people
xoxo Laura

Friday 8 April 2011

A well overdue blog on an awesome photoshoot!

Well, Howdy y'all! How y'all been?

A thousand apologies for not blogging for about three weeks... the life of a 6th Former is not a particularly fun filled one these days. Anywho, as the title suggests, I shall be endevouring to enlighten you all about the awesome photoshoot we did. It was something I requested help with, as I needed photos for my upcoming Art Exam, and the babettes here all pitched in and helped! <3

It's a sort of Alice in Wonderland-esque theme, set in an American Diner (with permission, of course) and we did it a few Fridays ago, after school. We put on kookey costumes and funky make up, whilst still maintaining a strange, almost ironic sense of elegence and refinery... whilst still doing what we do best: being weird! :'D

Here are some of my favourite images:

Well, I hoped you enjoyed them. I photoshopped a few to increase the surreality and some a more sinister feel. Maybe, I'll post some of my drawings on here...?

Keep well friends, and a huge Thank You to the Lolita Babes for helping me with this project. It's a shame Nunners (Sophie. N) couldn't come, as she had a cold.... but wait... I thought idiots couldn't catch colds... ;P

Take care all

Ani /\(>;<)/\

Monday 4 April 2011

Lolita Bibles

Its now Officially Tuesday! (well it is in the UK) 

As may of you know there are quite a few amazing books out there which will help to create many beautiful co-ordinates! 
These gorgeous books are referred to as 'Lolita Bibles'! *applauds* 

These bibles were translated into English recently by Tokyopop, Sadly they're not being produced anymore *cries* BUT, They can usually be found on Ebay, and I think there might be one on Amazon? But im not sure...
 Inside these amazing books, there are co-ordinates, templates for sewing, and odd little bits.

These books are great to collect, I've ordered one and im sure I'll carry it around to most places with me.

Also in Japan there are magazines that contain updates on Lolita, like the new JSK baby brought out? Or that the new Angelic Pretty Bonnet it the thing to wear this month? Usually you wont find them in regions out side of Japan, but if you look hard enough you shall be able to find a few websites that are willing to ship overseas.

Many of the magazines and bibles will have segments from recent icons who wear Lolita, for an example Mana maybe?

Sorry this post isn't as long as it should be,but i shall be back next week with more! Bye!! 
-Sophie P 

Sunday 3 April 2011

The still ill blogger

Hey guys it's Laura and yes as the title indicates I am still ill and I feel pretty crummy.. but on with the blog today I will introduce you to two more types of lolita 

  • Country Lolita
  • Wa Lolita
Country Lolita

Country Lolita is derived from the Sweet Lolita style, and is can sometimes be hard to distinguish due to the use of the same sweet patterns, and motifs that the Sweet Lolita style uses. 
The Country Lolita style can be recognised by straw baskets, hats, fruit, and gingham patterns.

Like Sweet Lolita, Country Lolita follows the same modest guide-lines, as well as the full, bell-shaped skirt.

The make-up suited for this style would be very basic, and natural. If you're going outside try some sun-screen, some light lip-stick, and some blush.


Wa Lolita

Wa Lolita is a style that is often recognized by a Kimono-esque look of the outfits.

Wa Lolita involves long 'sode' or, sleeves, and 'obi' or sashes that are taken from Kimono/yukata outfits, and fused with the bell-shaped skirt of lolita. Wa Lolita fabrics are often very extravagant like most Kimono fabrics, involving detailed flower prints, and cranes. Like all Lolita outfits and Kimono, Wa Lolita should not be made out of shiny fabrics such as those that Chinese qi-pao are made of.

Although this style is quite different from usual Lolita styles, modesty is still a large part of this style, and your skirt should be a reasonable length for lolita. Sadly a lot of Wa Lolita outfits on the market today have very short skirts, causing many people to be turned-off by Wa Lolita.

Traditional Japanese Kanzashi or flower hairclips may work lovely with this style in the place of a Lolita head-dress. Make-up can range from light and natural to Japanese geisha inspired. It's best not to do makeup very similarly to that of a geisha as it will most likely end up 


Until next time 
XOXO Laura