Friday 13 May 2011


Hi there, my name's Sophie Nunn. I know it's Saturday, which is Laura's day, but today is the only day I could fit in at this specific moment.

I'm just gonna tell ya a bit about myself! I have never worn Lolita but I really like the style, especially the Sweet Lolita! I am 14 and live in the UK. I absolutely love to cosplay! Especially as boys, 'cause I believe it is more interesting and cool!
I go to a private school which is owned by the NUNS! Unfortunately, my parents do not own this school (haha), as you may be mistaken by my last name Nunn :P I am usually referred to as Nunners or Nunn! Also, I am God-Parent to Elsa! :P My name to her is Nanny McNunners!

See you soon! Hopefully next weekend or whatever day I can blog!
Nunners xxx

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