Thursday 31 March 2011

Blog of the ill prankster

Hey guys it's Laura , I know that I don't normally blog on a Thursday but I'm Ill :( so I thought I'd blog about one of my favorite days of the year which is April Fools day which just happens to be tomorrow.
So I'm going to share my top 5 favorite pranks.

1. Putting flour into a hairdryer
This has been done to me before and it is truly funny. Basically your pour the flour/ talcum powder into the hairdryer and when the person turns it on the flour shoots out onto their face and hair. 
Like this ....

2. Wake ups
Waking people up with and air horn or a mask or anything to make them jump or freak out is too funny.
Here is a collection of some ....

3. Whipped Cream and Feather Prank
The classic of putting whipped cream into the hand of a sleeping person then tickling their face with a feather
Poor Mason ...

4. The Invisible rope
I have had fun doing this prank, basically two people stand opposite each other on a street and they pretend to hold a rope and pull up when someone walks past and watch their reactions, some completely and others simply step over the invisible rope.
The stumblers are always the best ...

5. Drawing on face whilst sleeping
Sharpies work the best here to draw on your victims face 
Nikki and John's prank videos make me laugh ....

If you want more prank ideas this youtube site is my absolute favorite

Have fun pranking folks. Hopefully I'll be able to do my usual blog on the weekend so until then 
xoxo Laura. 

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Not quite Tuesday

I seem to be running a bit late, as it is 'not quite Tuesday' but not far from it, from what I've gathered it's actually Wednesday, yet I blogg on Tuesday, so I formally apologise and shall move on as not to confuzzle you as much as I probably have!

Today I would like to look into the subject of one of my favourite styles Fairy-Kei!! *does Happy Dance*
I dont think I could chooses between lolita and fairy-kei as im not sure I could live without either.

Fairy-Kei is loosely based around Western 80's and 90's children pop culture, there are may pastel colours involved and lots of tutus and pretty patterns.
There are few shops that sell only Fairy-Kei styled clothes, but there are some out there, for example SPANKNile Perch and 6% Doki Doki.

Also there are stores that will sell things related to Fairy-Kei like: Bodyline and Swimmer.

Fairy-Kei is also one of my favourite fashions for me as it involves many fond memories of when I was a tiny terror!
Since it's based around 80's and 90's pop culture it also involves patterns or accessories form  popular cartoon characters and plushies from that era.
Being a 90's kid solely brought up on 80's cartoons I think I've seen a good amount of them.

One of the most used imagery in Fairy-Kei is from the popular 'Popples', *faints from cuteness*

Another the well known 'Care Bears' *if you dont know what the Care Bears are im sad to say you have missed out on a great big Chunk of childhood*

SPANK, is a great shop that sells second hand and handmade clothes, that are very much incorporated into the Fairy-kei style, (it has been said by the owner of SPANK that it is it's own style)

Shall be back next Tuesday, (on time!!) - Sophie P

Saturday 26 March 2011

Laura's blog

Hey guys sorry I didn't blog last week I was away for the weekend and I didn't get around to the blog :( but I'm here now so I will continue to tell you about two more types of Lolita ......

  • Hime Lollita
  • Shiro Lollita
Hime Lollita

Hime Lolita, (Princess Lollita) is a very elegant form of lollita that often involves a minature crowns, tiaras, and extravagant or large hair (often in curls), and dresses. As Hime Lollita reflects a sense of royalty, and class, it is hard to pull this style off unless you are very well preened, and have done your best to look 'Princess-like.'

Any natural-looking make-up will look lovely with this style, just remember that the key is looking classy.
Pearls, roses and bows suit this style perfectly


Shiro Lollita

Shiro Lollita, (White Lollita) is a Lollita outfit made entirely of white,cream or off-white co-ordinates. Shiro Lolitas often pair themselves with Kuro Lollitas in twin outfits to create an interesting contrast.

Shiro Lolita can be taken from any style of lolita, whether it be Gothic, Sweet or Classic, if the co-ordination is completely white then it is accepted as Shiro Lolita.

PLEASE NOTE: Wearing black shoes with a Shiro Lolita outfit looks terrible and is best to be avoided.


And thats my blog for this week hopefully next week I'll have a bit more time but A-Levels have been very trying this week so I haven't been able to spend much time here :'( so sorry, I'm going to have a lollita week  in the summer so there will be possibly be day trips out with the other blogger out and about.

Still praying for all those in Japan , you can donate through the red cross on this website
Every little bit will help, no matter how little or how big you donate you will be helping the people of Japan.

Until next time
XOXOX  Laura 

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Another week has gone by and I'm posting again!
Sadly we all know about the terrible earthquake and tsunami that has hit Japan leaving millions without homes to go back to, and has caused us to also loose millions of lives.
I really hope that we can all pray for the people that have lost, or are still looking for families and friends and homes, for their health and a hopeful quick recovery!
And if you want to help aid the recovery you can donate to Japan.
-Sophie P

Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Manatards

Hello! Sorry for it being so late, time flew away!
So most Lolitas would agree that Mana is the founding father of Elegant Gothic Lolita and Elegant Gothic Aristocat, 
and there are many amazing pieces of clothing he has designed and sells at his shop Moi-Meme Moitie.

Sadly many lolitas can't afford, or fit into Moitie clothing, or maybe your not suited to an all black co-ordinate? Yet apart from his clothing brand we still have many traits to learn from him that may help to create more co-ordinates with the clothes you already own.

Mana is well known for his mostly black clothing, yet many a time he is seen with touches of colour. For example adding a bit of blue to a black ensemble is something Mana incorporates into many of his designs. You may add a hair piece, make-up, either a blue blouse or JSK, or maybe some jewlery, there's quite a lot to play around with.

Even though Mana is someone who lots of people look at for inspiration, yet there are also many items of clothing that many of us look at and think Wait, What???
Yet most of them seem to look amazing on him, and that leads to 'If it works on Mana it will work on me', the correct answer to that is no.... there are many outfits that may only ever suit Mana, some of these outfits may include the use of a material (usually PVC which is one of the materials I usually look at in hatred, yet many people love it ), Blue lipstick is also one of his trademarks, yet on many people it may look too over the top.

But there are also many types of clothing that he wears that would usually go with many co-ordinates, this includes, lace gloves (something you would rarely see Mana without), Black lace socks (another Mana must have), usually a black pair of knee high socks with a bit of lace around the top, Mana also wears large platform shoes (probably Mary Janes).

Well I hope I helped just a bit! See you next Tuesday!

Monday 14 March 2011

Lolita FAQ :D

Hellloooo :D It's Chelsea, and today I am going to answer some of the questions that I (and other lolitas) get asked frequently :) So here goes!

Q. What Lolita style are you?
A. I like to mix up my style, but I also go through phases of the different genres of lolita. Right now, I am more into Gothic lolita, but I am leaning towards Sailor Lolita. I also love Sweet Lolita, Ero Lolita, Classic Lolita... I love all the styles really!!!

Q. What are the basic lolita must have clothing items?
A. In my opinion, you need at least one of each of these things: A blouse (or a full dress. You only need a blouse if you own a lolita skirt, rather than a dress^^), a petticoat (or, make like I do and just wear a couple of tutu's underneath your dress/skirt!), shin high or knee high socks (white are a definite must have!), and a cute pair of chunky heels :) I also couldn't live without my accessories- hair clips, headbands and plenty of jewelry are essential to me. A cute bag makes any outfit complete!

Q. Does the Lolita style have any relation to the book 'Lolita'?
A. ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Lolita is a very innocent style, and very child-like in most genres. Even Ero-Lolita (see the next question) is modest :P

Q. What is 'Ero-Lolita'?
A. It's a bit more adult than most lolita styles. There is a bit more flesh showing, and often underwear is worn on the outside of the outfit. Corsets play a huge part in this style. The colours also tend to be more Gothic-Lolita like than Sweet lolita. It's another of my favourite styles :)

Q. Don't people laugh at you when you dress in Lolita?
A. Of course they do. And me and my friends have dealt with a lot of harsh comments, but we actually just laugh them off! At the end of the day, we are just dressing how we want to, how we like, and it isn't up to other people how we look!!

I shall do another FAQ post sometime, but hopefully this answers at least one of your questions!

Chelsea xx

Sunday 13 March 2011

Sunday is fun day

Hey everyone it's Laura
Today I'm going to introduce you to two types of lollita and each sunday will introduce you to two more. So to start the ball rolling I will begin with ......

  • Gothic Lollita.
  • Sweet Lollita

Gothic Lollita

Gothic Lolita outfit is much like the other lollita styles as it can be recognized by the usual bell-shaped skirt and puff-sleeves. A Gothic Lolita outfit is usually comprised of black or rich dark colors such as burgundy, purple and navy. It is common for this style to involve details in complementary or contrasting colors, such as the infamous black and white coordination choice. (which I personally think is more appealing to the eye)
The makeup for this style can range from a light natural look to a dramatic smokey eye with a dark red lip depending on the outfit and occasion.

A common mistake by beginners that is well worth mentioning is the use of black lipstick and whiteface. Both whiteface and black lipstick take away from the elegance of the lolita style and should only be used as stage makeup as a general rule.

An example

Sweet Lollita

Sweet Lolita is probably most over-the-top style,it is also the most child-like of the lolita styles, using many bows, ruffles and light colors to make up an outfit. The most common colors used in a Sweet Lolita outfit are pink, white, and powder blue, but an outfit can be made with nearly any pastel colors.
Common motifs in Sweet Lolita are toys, strawberries, cherries, cakes and candies, hearts, polka dots and flowers. Prints that are  inspired by fairy tales are also quite common these days.
The Make-up is light, natural and will complement the style. Hair is commonly worn in pigtails and bouncy curls.

An example

So thats my two lollita styles of the day.
I would finally like to add in that all my prayers go out to all the people in Japan who are suffering after the terrible earthquake and Tsunami and that I hope that loved ones that are missing are found.

Until next time 
xoxo Laura

Friday 11 March 2011


Greetings All!

I'm Anthea, but please just call me Ani (any other names used will be taken into account, noted and possibly used at a later date). I'm in charge of Fridays, a very awesome day of the week. I'm the eldest out of our little troupe and often told I'm the wisest and most sensible. The others often refer to me as 'Mother', a little Ouran High School Host Club ref. I'm an avid fan of anything to do with Geography, Art and Culture (preferably Asian) and I'm also the resident Asian... albeit only half Filipino and mega-otaku!

For my section of this oh-so-awesome blog space I shall not only be commenting on Lolita styles and the progression of the loli dresses I am inventing (not from scratch though), I will also be conducting an anime blog. I shall endevour to enlighten you all in all sorts of anime genrés, from various time periods, for I am Densetsu no Shoujo A (5000 Super Epic points if you figure what anime I'm referring to here) - our blogs anime/manga otaku; even if I haven't fully watched or read it, chances are I'll know the plot. I was a closet-otaku for  long time and have fond memories of thoroughly confusing classmates by bringing in mangas, to which they responded: 'Huh? Your book's back to front... how the heck are you reading that?!'.... good times.

Well, I shall end it here, before this post transforms from intro to a 5 page self-induced essay. My next post will be on one of my current fav animes from this season with it's unbelievable storyline, animation and how it's completely turned the mahou shoujo (magical girl) genré on its sparkly head!

That's all folks!
Until next week!


Tuesday 8 March 2011


Hello! Its Tuesday again!
Time for my post 
Well today is Tuesday, and pancake day! (sadly I've not had any yet but I shall make sure to have at least one by the end of the day!)

Well last week on Wednesday it was my birthday! So I decided to rout out BodyLine (which I've heard to be like the lolita version of WalMart) and it got here from Japan incredibly quickly,  and all the clothes were in great condition, (although one of the dresses did have quite a bit of cheap lace on it, but that's my fault for not paying attention to details).
Overall it's quite a great shop and I'll defiantly order from there again! Its defiantly not like Brand, but for a nice blouse to go under a JSK its perfect!

Also, while scouring YouTube I found the spring range from Baby The Stars Shine Bright, and I adore the wide brimmed hats and princess sleeves!
That's all from me, I'll be back next Tuesday!

Sunday 6 March 2011

Hello there :)

Hello! I'm Chelsea, and I am 15 year old Home Educated girl that adores all things Lolita.

I have been interested in the lolita style for a couple of years, but I only started wearing the fashion last year. I love pretty much all styles of lolita.

As of yet, I only own one lolita item: a black and white gingham dress by Hell Bunny that I ordered from eBay. I am hoping to invest in more pieces soon :)

I look forward to blogging more often on this site!

Chelsea xxx


Hey guys its Laura (aka Roora)

Well I'm going to be blogging on the weekends so I think and introduction is in order. First off out of the five of us on this blog I am most definatley the most high maintenance and Sophie.P (aka Parsnip) will probably tell you that I'm the most vain, which I guess could be slightly true. Anyhow ,I am definatley more into gothiclollita that sweet lollita (although I have been swayed towards it more recently thanks to Parsnip). And the reason my blog is in purple is wel purple is my favourite colour.
The five of us are going to the MCM expo on May 29th (mega excited) so yesterday I went shopping and got my outfit , this time round I am going as Magenta from The Rocky Horror Picture Show (and if you don't know what that is get onto the old wikipedia and look it up because it is AMAZING!). I shall leave a picture of my maid costume at the bottom and hopefully my next post will have more content so until next time.
xoxo Laura

Tuesday 1 March 2011


Hello! Im Sophie P, and I'll be blogging on 
Tuesdays! Im pretty new to the Lolita Lifestyle, but I've admired the style for quite a long time!

Okay! So now for a bit about me,
I live in the UK ad im currently home-schooled,
the other girls im writing the blog with are some awesome people and really great friends, we all admire lolita, personally I find it the cutest thing ever!

Sorry, I haven't got  much to post today but I shall be looking forward to posting on Tuesdays from now on!