Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Manatards

Hello! Sorry for it being so late, time flew away!
So most Lolitas would agree that Mana is the founding father of Elegant Gothic Lolita and Elegant Gothic Aristocat, 
and there are many amazing pieces of clothing he has designed and sells at his shop Moi-Meme Moitie.

Sadly many lolitas can't afford, or fit into Moitie clothing, or maybe your not suited to an all black co-ordinate? Yet apart from his clothing brand we still have many traits to learn from him that may help to create more co-ordinates with the clothes you already own.

Mana is well known for his mostly black clothing, yet many a time he is seen with touches of colour. For example adding a bit of blue to a black ensemble is something Mana incorporates into many of his designs. You may add a hair piece, make-up, either a blue blouse or JSK, or maybe some jewlery, there's quite a lot to play around with.

Even though Mana is someone who lots of people look at for inspiration, yet there are also many items of clothing that many of us look at and think Wait, What???
Yet most of them seem to look amazing on him, and that leads to 'If it works on Mana it will work on me', the correct answer to that is no.... there are many outfits that may only ever suit Mana, some of these outfits may include the use of a material (usually PVC which is one of the materials I usually look at in hatred, yet many people love it ), Blue lipstick is also one of his trademarks, yet on many people it may look too over the top.

But there are also many types of clothing that he wears that would usually go with many co-ordinates, this includes, lace gloves (something you would rarely see Mana without), Black lace socks (another Mana must have), usually a black pair of knee high socks with a bit of lace around the top, Mana also wears large platform shoes (probably Mary Janes).

Well I hope I helped just a bit! See you next Tuesday!

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